
2023 Profit Sharing

Written by Admin | Jan 26, 2024 8:51:00 PM

Given United’s robust profitability from 2023, management announced the profit sharing payout of $681 Million to eligible employees on January 23, 2024.

Profit sharing is a negotiated provision of our JCBA under Section 4.N.. It is based on United’s full-year financial results, as it can vary based on the prior year's earnings

United Flight Attendants profit sharing percentage for 2023 is 9.1820%. The financial numbers that United reported and our negotiated formula for profit sharing are being verified by our AFA Actuaries.

Profit sharing payments will be paid to the Flight Attendants as a stand-alone check on February 29, 2024, subject to applicable 401(k) deferral election, withholding, and taxes.

Visit FlyingTogether to receive your individual profit sharing statement and review Frequently Asked Questions