
30 Minute Crew Rest Domestic and International

Written by Admin | Sep 22, 2021 5:00:00 AM
SEP 22 - As Safety professionals we know the importance of being well rested and alert in the performance of our job duties. Taking advantage of every opportunity for rest is vital in accomplishing this important objective. One of the ways we continue to stay rested throughout the course of our workday is through our negotiated Contractual Crew Rest breaks.

As Safety professionals we know the importance of being well rested and alert in the performance of our job duties. Taking advantage of every opportunity for rest is vital in accomplishing this important objective. One of the ways we continue to stay rested throughout the course of our workday is through our negotiated Contractual Crew Rest breaks.


In accordance with Sections 3.DD.1. & 2. of our Contract, Flight Attendants are allowed a Contractual crew rest break of 30 minutes on both Domestic and International Flights under the following circumstances:


Domestic: On scheduled flight segments departing between 2100-0359 on-board rest shall be as follows:


Fifteen (15) minutes on scheduled segments greater than 4:59 and less than seven (7:00).


Thirty (30) minutes on scheduled, non-stop flight segments of 7:00 and less than 8:00.


International: On international flight segments greater than 7:00 and less than 8:00, Flight Attendants shall be permitted a thirty (30) minute rest.


In the application of these stated parameters, when an aisle customer seat is unavailable, Flight Attendant shall use the jumpseat.


Brief with the assigned CSR at the departure gate prior to the start of the boarding process to verify that designated Crew Rest seats, where appropriate, have been properly allocated and have not been inadvertently used to accommodate passengers. This coordination is the best way to ensure our Contractual on-board rest is utilized.


As a clarification of the above onboard rest provisions, Section 3.DD.5. does not apply to the 30-minute on-board rest. To be eligible for the sleeper seats as a replacement for an inoperative Crew Rest area, the flight must be scheduled over eight (8) hours.