
MEC OFFICER LETTER - A Season of Hope and Peace

Written by Admin | Dec 25, 2021 6:00:00 AM
DEC 24 - As we reflect on this season of hope and peace where gatherings with friends and family are more meaningful than ever, I can’t help but be reminded of the importance of the work we do every day, especially during this holiday time where coming together is the hallmark of the season.

December 24, 2021

Ladies and Gentlemen:

As we reflect on this season of hope and peace where gatherings with friends and family are more meaningful than ever, I can’t help but be reminded of the importance of the work we do every day, especially during this holiday time where coming together is the hallmark of the season.  We are privileged to ensure the safety of our passengers. We share in the exuberance of the season while providing safe passage to their destinations.  I continue to be inspired by the pride and professionalism by which we ultimately make these gatherings possible.

Each day, perhaps even more so during the holidays, our passengers look to us to guide them through the ever-complex maze of often changing rules and polices of the industry in which we work as well as those of our airline. Flying at any time is stressful for many people and we know many in our care look to our confidence, competence, and professionalism for reassurance as we seemingly effortlessly create a positive experience overall.

Our passengers continue to be shaped by the impact of the global pandemic that has had a very direct impact on our workplace.  As a result, we have the information, tools and experience to find ways to safely navigate during this pandemic ultimately providing the reassurance the traveling public needs in order to feel comfortable during their time with us in the cabin. This is no small feat and one of which we should all collectively be proud.

As we continue to navigate the challenges of the pandemic and the newest COVID variant, we must remain steadfast in our determination to do our part to ensure the continued success of our airline.  We can never lose sight of the fact that our collective determination directly contributed to our airline and United’s success could not have been accomplished without us.

As a result of the pandemic, we find ourselves in a very different world than that which we knew only a short time ago. While we’ve not been able to share in all of the traditions of years gone by because of these pandemic events, we have had the opportunity to create new and meaningful celebrations as we’ve worked to forge our way in a new world.  United Flight Attendants are resourceful, resilient and strong.  Given any opportunity, we have proven time and time again, we show up, we step up and we face any challenge always turning any situation into an opportunity to do our professional best.

All of these exceptional characteristics of our collective group give me reason for hope for our bright, promise-filled collective future and I am privileged to share this perspective with you this holiday season.  Whether you are on duty ensuring the safe passage of those in our care this day or enjoying time away from our workplace with family or friends, you are wished happiness, comfort and peace on this day and throughout this season.

I join the United Master Executive Council in sending our best wishes for a Happy Holiday to each of you. May the full spirit of this season of joy be in your hearts and homes.

In Solidarity,

Ken Diaz
United Master Executive Council President