Here is your enrollment checklist:
1. Open Enrollment runs for active employees from October 28, 2024 to November 15, 2024.
2. Plan choices vary. Some are AFA Contract plans, while others are optional plans offered by the company. There are important differences between the plans, such as deductibles, out-of-pocket expenses, and whether your doctor is included in the plan, so if you make changes, please do your research.
3. If you and/or your spouse are non-smokers, verify that the $48 Wellness Credit is applied to your monthly premium.
4. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, be sure to "SUBMIT" any changes, and you should receive an email/text confirmation for your 2025 selections.
During open enrollment, we strongly suggest that you review and, if necessary, update your beneficiaries.
Access to the Enrollment platform is available from Flying Together >Employee Services >Your Benefits Resource (YBR).
List of Virtual Wellness Events
There are very few plan changes for 2025, and for this reason, there will be no onsite Wellness Fairs. However, to give employees an opportunity to have their questions answered, a number of virtual events will be available:
(All times are listed in CT.)