
AFA Advocates for Uniform Safety

Written by Admin | May 25, 2018 5:00:00 AM
Our AFA International Office has released a short video reinforcing the importance of our uniforms in presenting a professional image as Safety Professionals and First Responders. 

AFA MEC Uniform Committee

Our AFA International Office has released a short video reinforcing the importance of our uniforms in presenting a professional image as Safety Professionals and First Responders. While not advertised, our MEC Uniform Committee Chairperson along with the MEC Officers act in their capacity as a liaison for AFA-CWA when interfacing with the company regarding a wide array of uniform issues. These include uniform changeovers, reissue concerns and the safety of the uniform and the materials used in the construction to ensure our safety not only while we act in our capacity as service professionals but also in the event of an evacuation. 

To this end and consistent with the requirements of our Contract, your Union plays an intricate role at ensuring any new uniform items, not only meet the contractual requirements for uniforms, but they must also ensure that our uniforms are of high quality and safe from harmful toxins and verify that the uniform fabric conforms with the Class I standards of the Federal Flammability Standards Act, Public Law 88, Section 4a. 

As an added protection Section 30.J of our JCBA, provided the provision that our uniform must be fire tested prior to manufacturing and the results of such test must be provided to AFA. AFA has always been an advocate for not only Flight Attendant safety, but health and safety concerns in the selection of uniform fabrics.

Yesterday, May 24, 2018, AFA illustrated our uniform safety concerns for all AFA Union carriers releasing a Quick Reference Video Guide on Safe Flight Attendant Uniformsthat highlights the work of our, on staff, Safety & Health professionals in their work behind the scenes to ensure our personal safety in the selection of uniformsThe publicationcovers the gamut of uniform issues, from style to sourcing for safety, health, and security.This quick reference guide promotes secure safe uniforms, identifies the problems we seek to avoid and encourages all airlines’ management to take adequate steps to avoid safety hazards. 

The health hazards posed by today’s uniforms is a relatively new issue stemming from the rapid rise in the manufacture of uniform materials at locations outside the United States. Twenty years ago, most Flight Attendant uniforms were made by fabrics produced in the United States. But trade agreements have changed that and moved production all over the world. Tracing the dangerous chemicals in the fabrics is extremely difficult without a process in place from the start that ensures the avoidance of this health hazard. Flight Attendants are encouraged to Read more > to learn about the work done by AFA to ensure the safety of our Members.