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AFA Congratulates Retiring Flight Attendants

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It is with much appreciation we recognize the many years of dedicated service from those Flight Attendants who are retiring today. Today is a bittersweet day for these Members.  For many, this was a difficult choice for which you may not have been completely ready. 

It is with much appreciation we recognize the many years of dedicated service from those Flight Attendants who are retiring today.  Today is a bittersweet day for these Members.  For many, this was a difficult choice for which you may not have been completely ready. As a result of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of you were not able to celebrate your final journey and you have missed the opportunity to fly with your friends and to enjoy a memorable meal on your final layover. Viewing your retirement from that perspective helps all of us understand the magnitude of the choice you’ve made.

Today, we acknowledge that because of your hard work, and exceptional years of service, you have contributed significantly to our career and profession. Your example has forged an extraordinary path to follow for so many who will come after you. 

Your AFA Leadership and Union Sisters and Brothers want to express our deepest gratitude to each of you for your dedication and commitment to our profession and our Union. We wish you well as you begin this next journey after a successful career.