Our AFA-CWA Local Presidents and other Officers gathered in Las Vegas this past week (July 29 - 31, 2019) for the 77th Annual Convention of the Communications Workers of America (CWA).
Delegates who are elected officials from each AFA Local Council, attended the convention to support our Sisters and Brothers in matters that affect organized labor and to further the business and priorities of our Union. CWA represents 700,000 workers including AFA Flight Attendants around the world. Working together, our collective solidarity increases not only our collective bargaining power but also our influence in national matters that directly affect not only Flight Attendants but all workers.
During the convention United LAX Council 12 LECP, Dante Harris was elected to the CWA Executive Board in the Western Region Diversity seat and Jeffrey Heisey, MEC Secretary Treasurer was re-elected to serve as a Member of the Defense Fund Oversight Committee. Additionally, we like to recognize the continued work and dedication of the following United AFA Officers as they worked across the CWA Communities in the interest of all of our Members.
Several of our AFA Officers served in various capacities on several committees of the Union: