
Allstate Transition to NGP (CAIC)

Written by Admin | Jan 25, 2024 8:47:00 PM

Our AFA Supplemental Benefits Brokers, Design Benefits and National Group Protection met with the AFA Leadership at the October 2023 MEC meeting to announce the rollover of the Allstate block of supplemental benefits coverage to NGP where replacement coverage will be underwritten by CAIC. This change is being implemented as part of an overall effort to streamline member service, benefit offerings and communication to protect the integrity of the United AFA supplemental benefits programs.Once the eligible plans are rolled over to CAIC, Design Benefits will phase out their involvement in the AFA Supplemental Benefit Program offerings. 


Letters were sent by on November 22, 2023 by NGP to Allstate policy holders to announce the transition.

 The transition officially took effect on January 1, 2024 and the first payroll bi-monthly payroll deductions will start on February 1, 2024. NGP also developed a Frequently Asked Questions document as an additional resource.

 Note: The Allstate Cancer and Allstate Whole Life Insurance policies will continue to be managed by Allstate.  However, if you have questions regarding these policies, you may contact NGP for assistance and will be directed to competent Allstate resources for assistance.

 Going forward during annual open enrollment for AFA Supplemental Benefits, Members will have the opportunity to enroll in the CAIC plan designs.

 Note:  When initially set up years ago, Allstate policies had unique protection built in such that Members would be automatically notified of the portability option for these coverages in the event Payroll deductions were discontinued.

 The recent discontinuation of the payroll deduction for the Allstate policies transitioned to NGP and underwritten by CAIC was no exception.  As a result, you should expect to receive a notice from Allstate advising you of the portability feature of the policy. However, because these policies have been canceled with Allstate and transitioned to CAIC, you should ignore these notices and take no action to pay any premium associated with these notices.

 If you have any questions regarding the transition of coverage from Allstate to CAIC, please contact National Group Protection (NGP) by telephone at 800-344-9016, or via email at

 We acknowledge the dedicated efforts of each of our AFA Brokers in their coordination of this transition.  We look forward to working with NGP in providing Supplemental Benefits coverage for our Membership.  At the same time, we would be remiss were we not to acknowledge the many years of dedicated service by Design Benefits.  In particular, we express our appreciation to Tina Jeffrey, President of Design Benefits for her tireless commitment and service to our Union and our Membership.