
ALPA System-wide Informational Picketing

Written by Admin | Sep 1, 2022 5:00:00 AM
Today, the ALPA United MEC hosted system-wide informational picketing events at DCA, ORD, and SFO to protest protracted contract negotiations. These events were attended by the MEC Officers and representatives from Councils 8 ORD and 11 SFO. 

Today, the ALPA United MEC hosted system-wide informational picketing events at DCA, ORD, and SFO to protest protracted contract negotiations. These events were attended by the MEC Officers and representatives from Councils 8 ORD and 11 SFO. 


In addition to these ALPA United MEC hosted picketing events, the Delta, FedEx, Endeavor Air, JetBlue, Sun Country, and Spirit MECs also participated in events at a number of airports across the country.  


Standing together within our Union and coming together in solidarity with Unions around the world improves our ability to get our message across and to accomplish our mutual goals.