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Are You Fed Up? The Time to Act is Now to Demonstrate Our Solidarity!

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SEP 22 - Are you fed up?  The time to act is now to demonstrate our solidarity!

Are you fed up?  The time to act is now to demonstrate our solidarity!

Our Members have told us that they want a Day of Action where they can come together in a show of our Solidarity to let management know of our dissatisfaction with the status quo as well as to express their expectation that management will work with the leadership of the Union to constructively address our concerns.

It should come as no surprise to any of us that management is beginning to make some inroads into addressing Flight Attendant concerns based on the collective feedback that we’ve provided to management.  And it’s no coincidence that we’re seeing some of these changes, guised as improvements for Flight Attendants, recently proposed by management as our September 27th Day of Action approaches.

We need to guard against any effort by management to persuade us with these “fixes” as a way to trade away our priorities.  In a collective bargaining environment, we stand together in a unified way to communicate to management our expectations. We establish our collective priorities that we remain determined are not worth trading off for items having value to management and that do not address our issues.

The leadership of our Union has approached management to find ways to work together to create reliable solutions to fix the problems that affect all of us in a mutually beneficial way.  One-sided solutions that meet the needs of management without addressing our priorities signals a lack of connection with the work force and can present a perception of being tone deaf to the real issues affecting those who are on the front-line building the core business and bringing passengers back on a repeat basis.

Let’s be clear; we are doing the work to build and maintain those relationships as we continue to focus on helping United Airlines return to its status as the world’s premier airline.  We are showing our passengers that we are willing to do the work to earn and maintain their business and loyalty. What we are saying is we are looking for the same commitment in kind as a means of recognizing the contributions we’re making.

Perhaps more than ever, now is the time to stand together against those who would hope to divide us, hope to weaken our voice and our rights.  We cannot let Union Busting 101 tactics set us on separate courses.  Instead, we must strengthen our resolve and move forward together. 

Please plan to participate on Tuesday, September 27th in the Day of Action events at any of the locations where these events will be scheduledAs management sees us standing together, clad in AFA pins and demanding management live up to the commitments they’ve made through our Contract, we will all benefit from our solidarity.

By Standing Together, we are a powerful force as long as we value the power of our collective. To that end, RSVP and let us know you’ll be with us on the 27th.