
Augmented Staffing Requirements & FAR Compliance

Written by Admin | Feb 2, 2024 8:58:00 PM

Safety Health and Security Committee

FAR 121.467 requires additional Flight Attendant staffing, above the FAA Minimum required crew complement, when any Crew or Crew Member is scheduled (assigned) to a flight or flights and the duty period exceeds certain defined maximums. It is important to understand, as the scheduled duty time increases in any duty period, so does the FAA Minimum Crew requirements; this is referred to as Augmented Staffing.

A duty time period that extends past the scheduled duty time in the operation does not require the additional staffing. Augmented Staffing is not based on actual duty time, but on the scheduled duty time for the flight(s) in the duty period. Said another way, additional Flight Attendants are not required when a duty period is extended beyond the scheduled duty time due to irregular operations including weather delays, ATC delays, fuel stops or as the result of a mechanical situation.

The chart below is provided to assist you in determining the minimum crew staffing based on scheduled flight time by aircraft type.