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Cabin Air Safety Act of 2019 - HR2208 and S1112

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Along with our Government Affairs Committees, we collectivelycelebrate our success this year when the FAA Reauthorization Bill was successfully passed. 

MEC Government Affairs Committee

Along with our Government Affairs Committees, we collectively
celebrate our success this year when the FAA Reauthorization Bill was successfully passed. Working with our Government Affairs Committees at the Local, MEC and International levels of our Union, we all continue to consider other initiatives to improve the safety of our industry and, where possible, look to legislate safety initiatives in our ongoing effort to reduce the need to negotiate these improvements.

The Cabin Air Safety Act 2019 calls on the FAA to take major steps in protecting Flight Attendants and passengers from the effects of toxic fumes in the aircraft cabin. This Act was introduced by our longtime supporters Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Representative John Garamendi (D-CA), as well as Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Edward J. Markey (D-MA). This is a major step in protecting airline crew and passengers from the harmful effects of toxic cabin air. 

Provisions of the bill mandate training for first responders and airline workers. As a companion to the training, the bill requires the development of a standardized form that will help to streamline reports of smoke or fumes on-board an aircraft operated by a commercial air carrier. It also includes a requirement for installation of Air Monitoring Equipment (carbon monoxide detectors). 

The Cabin Air Safety Act of 2019 provides meaningful steps forward keeping oil fumes out of the cabin air supply.  It’s legislation that just make sense for airline crew and aircraft cabin occupants. For more information, visit  or contact your local Government Affairs Committee.