
Call Wait Times Affect Schedule Flexibility

Written by Admin | Jun 14, 2022 5:00:00 AM
JUN 14 - Regardless of the cause, be it departmental issues, staffing shortages or Contract violations resulting from IT deficiencies, Flight Attendants are all directly impacted.


The ability to adjust our monthly flying schedules through the trip trade process is an important part of our Contract. When we are unable to make the changes to our monthly flying schedules using the provisions negotiated in our Contract, our scheduling flexibility and compensation can be adversely affected. 


Regardless of the cause, be it departmental issues, staffing shortages or Contract violations resulting from IT deficiencies, we are all directly impacted.


When any transactions we seek to complete require the assistance of company scheduling personnel and we experience problems getting through to conduct, for example, trades, due to long wait times or other issues resulting in our inability to complete the transaction(s) our Union needs to know. Your reports generate the data we need to demonstrate definitively the problems we are all experiencing on the line when trying to contact the company. The data generated by our reports is an integral component in the ability of our Union to advocate for impactful change for all of us collectively as well as on a case-by-case basis.


Reports on issues related to call wait times and contract violations (LEC Worksheets) can be filed on our website