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Carry Your Contract!

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MAR 9 - Always carry your Contract. Hard copies are available in your domicile and an electronic version is also available to download to your LINK, personal mobile device, or laptop computer. 

When many of us began our career as a Flight Attendant, our bags were a little heavier. We carried not only the essentials like our beepers, emergency swimsuit, and of course our Flight Attendant manual which was a very thick and heavy paper copy bound in a three-ring binder.

Times have changed and while we may still pack that emergency swimsuit, our beeper has become obsolete and our Flight Attendant Operations Manual has been upgraded to a LINK device. Despite the expansion of the content, the digital format made the contents accessible by carrying something as light as a cell phone.

The same can be said about our Contract. The 32 Section, 428-page bound document, is also available in an electronic, searchable format as an alternate way to carry our Contract. Technological advances have made it available electronically via smartphone or tablet.

We all have a reasonable expectation that Management will honor our Contract at all times and this occurs through our collective enforcement efforts. The reality is that enforcement of our Contract starts with each one of us. Being familiar with the provisions that have been negotiated on our behalf, and taking the time to educate ourselves on how the Contract language applies in different circumstances, is key to ensuring we each take the necessary steps to protect that for which we’ve bargained. 

Always carry your Contract. Hard copies are available in your domicile and an electronic version is also available to download to your LINK, personal mobile device, or laptop computer. To download your copy, visit and click on the “Contract” tab which is located on the main menu navigation bar at the top of the web page.