
Celebrating Mother’s Day

Written by Admin | May 12, 2023 5:00:00 AM
MAR 12 - On May 14th we will be celebrating Mother’s Day and the individuals who have made a significant impact on our lives and in our communities.

On May 14th we will be celebrating Mother’s Day and the individuals who have made a significant impact on our lives and in our communities. Mother’s Day is a special time that we recognize Mother’s and influential powerful women who are supportive, a guiding light, and a vessel to provide comfort.

In our careers and at our Union we are surrounded by strong women. We can all take pride in knowing that we are side by side working with Flight Attendants who have many skills but also those that embody nurturing, protective, and maternal qualities. With all of our attributes, together, we are a powerful force in making an impact for a better future.

This Mother’s Day, AFA embraces every woman, maternal figure, and loved ones we may have lost on their day of recognition and celebration. We extend our appreciation for all the hard work and sacrifices that many have made and continue to make every day. Happy Mother’s Day.