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Central Schedule Committee (CSC) Reporting

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MAR 14 - Did you know that our MEC Central Schedule Committee (CSC) and our Local Schedule Committees are required under our Contract? Each month, CSC and representatives from Crew Schedule Planning meet to review the flying assigned to each base and the lines constructed, by Local Schedule Committees, for both Domestic and International flying.

Did you know that our MEC Central Schedule Committee (CSC) and our Local Schedule Committees are required under our Contract? Each month, CSC and representatives from Crew Schedule Planning meet to review the flying assigned to each base and the lines constructed, by Local Schedule Committees, for both Domestic and International flying. Prior to meeting with the company, elected Members of CSC meet to review all of the pairings that have been created by the company to ensure their compliance with the provisions of our Contract as it pertains to check-in times, length of duty days, legal rest and staffing levels to ensure compliance with the minimum Flight Attendant bid positions of Section 7.A.10.

As a significant part of the schedule development process of which CSC is involved, is the advocacy of the Members of CSC for changes to the pairings built by the company to address quality of life issues affecting Flight Attendants. Following these meetings, CSC provides a comprehensive report intended to provide an overview of the flying assigned at each of the bases, including the satellites, which is intended to demonstrate how the base structure fits together once all of the flying is assigned for the system.

The DSL Review Reports provide specific detail about the discussions held during the meeting to review the pairings that have been built for each of the bases. During these meetings, CSC and management discuss the impact of pairing construction on Flight Attendants and our representatives work to provide management with insight on how pairing characteristics (sit time, duty days, pairing values) all directly impact Flight Attendants. These reports provide information on how pairings are constructed as the company responds to changes in base population which is often driven by the addition of seasonal service (flights) at certain base locations.

Other topics discussed during these meetings include:

  • Reserve coverage parameters to be used in LSC recommendations for Reserve schedules
  • Out of base flying reports
  • Market changes
  • Unique language qualified flying issues & assignment of LQ flying
  • Co-terminal flying
  • Transfers
  • System Line averages by operation; domestic, international and satellite bases
  • Sit time
  • All-night flying
  • Open time required under Section 7.G.
  • New Hire assignments

We encourage you to take a few minutes to review the reporting from our Central Schedule Committee to increase your understanding of how the system is connected and how flying changes ultimately impact our monthly schedules.