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Clarification of Our Out Base Trade Provision

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Recently, Flight Attendants have requested clarification in regards to the Out of Base (OOB) trade provision provided for in Section 7.J. of our JCBA. Flight Attendants may utilize these OOB trade provisions under the following contractual specifications:

JCBA Section 7.J.

Recently, Flight Attendants have requested clarification in regards to the Out of Base (OOB) trade provision provided for in Section 7.J. of our JCBA. Flight Attendants may utilize these OOB trade provisions under the following contractual specifications:

  • Less than fourteen (14) hours prior to departure Flight Attendants may pick-up open time in any base, regardless of special qualifications for the pairing.
  • Less than fourteen hours (14:00) prior to departure, Flight Attendants may pick up advertised trips in any base provided that the Flight Attendant has the designated special qualification for the advertised trip, if any.
  • Pick up of an open time pairing designated to have a special qualification Flight Attendant by a Flight Attendant not having the designated qualification may be denied if scheduling anticipates that a Reserve with the special qualification will be used to cover the pairing.

Note: Our JCBA Out of Base Trade provision is specific to open time and advertised pick-ups, not trip trading. Therefore, mutual trades between Flight Attendants located in different bases are not provided for under the provisions of Section 7.J. of our JCBA.

If you have additional questions, please contact your Local Council Representatives.