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Clarifying Absence Certificate Requirements & Holiday Bonus Point Eligibility

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DEC 20 - United management has provided AFA with some clarity on their expectation of the interaction of Family Medical Leave (FML) usage with the requirement for the holiday absence certificate as follows.


Since the announcement of the Holiday Absence Certificate requirement as well as the holiday attendance bonus point eligibility program, we have received some questions in our Local Council offices about the interaction of these programs as well as questions about how the use of Family Medical Leave, on an unpaid basis, to support an absence during the designated holiday period to care for a child, spouse or domestic partner interacts with these programs.


United management has provided AFA with some clarity on their expectation of the interaction of Family Medical Leave (FML) usage with the requirement for the holiday absence certificate as follows:


It is important to note, when using sick leave without approved family leave, Flight Attendants, whether paid or unpaid, must provide an Absence Certificate in every instance.  Any absence, paid or unpaid, will result in the Flight Attendant being ineligible to receive the holiday bonus credit.


In terms of Family Medical Leave usage, the following guidelines apply:


·        Flight Attendants using FMLA for their own personal medical situation who request sick pay for the absence are required to provide the Absence Certificate for the holiday period.  This absence will result in the Flight Attendant being ineligible to receive the holiday bonus point.

·        Flight Attendants using FMLA for their own personal medical situation who do not receive paid sick time for the absence are not required to provide the Absence Certificate for the holiday period. This absence will result in the Flight Attendant being ineligible to receive the holiday bonus point.

·        Flight Attendants using FMLA to care for an eligible family member, unpaid, are not required to provide an absence certificate for the holiday period.   This absence will result in the Flight Attendant being ineligible to receive the holiday bonus point.

Should you have additional questions on the interaction of Family Medical Leave with the Absence Certificate requirement or the holiday attendance bonus point program, please direct those through your Local Council Office.