
Company Agrees to Block Additional Seats for Flight Attendant Safety

Written by Admin | Apr 8, 2020 5:00:00 AM
As a result of the advocacy of AFA, effective for flights departing today, April 7, 2020, the company is proactively blocking seats in the cabin, that are located within close proximity to Flight Attendants Jumpseats. 

As a result of the advocacy of AFA, effective for flights departing today, April 7, 2020, the company is proactively blocking seats in the cabin, that are located within close proximity to Flight Attendants Jumpseats. This is being done to support social distancing between Flight Attendants and passengers. Seats blocked near Flight Attendant jumpseats must remain blocked and will not be used to accommodate any passengers, including revenue or non-revenue.

Effective for flights departing April 11, additional seats will be blocked near aft galleys. These seats however, may be unblocked and used by Customer Service Representatives for some passengers, as detailed in the Inflight Safety Alert, as well as for assignment to revenue and non-revenue passengers when no other seats are available.

AFA Representatives worked collaboratively with Inflight management to identify seats on all of our aircraft that are in close proximity to Flight Attendant jumpseats. We recognize and appreciate the support from Inflight to adopt our recommendations to better protect us while we provide essential services.

AFA is supporting the waiver request to FAA for Social Distancing Waiver on Jumpseats and Safety Demo.

Additionally, for information on last week’s Temporary crew rest expansion announcement, review the Inflight Safety Alert dated April 3, 2020.