
Contract2021 for All Your Negotiations News and Updates

Written by Admin | Feb 7, 2023 6:00:00 AM
FEB 7 - We are well into in Section 6 Contract negotiations!  All of our Negotiations news and updates can be found on our negotiations website. There you can find an abundance of information about the negotiation process, and status updates, including our regularly published Negotiations News (NN). NN is an email update which is published following our negotiations sessions specifically designed to provide an overview of our most recent negotiations discussions. By now, many of you may have received a copy of On The Line at your address of record by mail. On The Line provides you with a side-by-side comparison of proposals and gives us insight into where we currently stand in the negotiations process. We encourage you to read through each section of the publication and decide for yourself if management is addressing your priorities. MEC President Ken Diaz has recorded a brief video announcing the availability of this publication, which will be available quarterly, providing updates on our progress and comparison of proposals.

We are well into in Section 6 Contract negotiations!  All of our Negotiations news and updates can be found on our negotiations website. There you can find an abundance of information about the negotiation process, and status updates, including our regularly published Negotiations News (NN). NN is an email update which is published following our negotiations sessions specifically designed to provide an overview of our most recent negotiations discussions.

By now, many of you may have received a copy of On The Line at your address of record by mail. On The Line provides you with a side-by-side comparison of proposals and gives us insight into where we currently stand in the negotiations process. We encourage you to read through each section of the publication and decide for yourself if management is addressing your priorities. MEC President Ken Diaz has recorded a brief video announcing the availability of this publication, which will be available quarterly, providing updates on our progress and comparison of proposals.

We encourage you to visit our dedicated Negotiations website: today and bookmark it for future visits. It is your one source for all negotiations news and for us to be successful, we all need factual information to make good decisions.