
Contractual Voluntary Furlough Bidding - Closed

Written by Admin | Feb 22, 2021 6:00:00 AM
Bidding for Voluntary Furlough has closed and the contractual voluntary furlough award commencing April 1, 2021 has been completed in compliance with Section 18.A. of our Contract. 

Bidding for Voluntary Furlough has closed and the contractual voluntary furlough award commencing April 1, 2021 has been completed in compliance with Section 18.A. of our Contract.  

Voluntary furlough was awarded to all eligible Flight Attendants having requests on file and who were senior to system seniority date of 1/16/2006 (System seniority #14,026) as listed on  system seniority list dated 1/27/2021 (available on Flying Together). The award lists are being prepared and will be posted no later than 1700 tomorrow.  This is the first step in the awarding of voluntary furlough mitigation programs under the terms of our Contract. 

The Furlough Mitigation Partnership is the next step in the process for which bids close on Wednesday, February 24, 2021, at 12:00 Noon Central Time. Anyone senior to this date is eligible to participate in a Furlough Mitigation Partnership.   Further, it should be understood that as Furlough Mitigation Partnerships are awarded, the line will continue to move down the seniority list making others potentially eligible to participate in the Furlough Mitigation Partnership. 

The Furlough Mitigation Partnership Program was negotiated as part of our Contract solely for the protection of United Flight Attendant jobs and will be implemented only when the need for involuntary furlough exists. In this program, a single line of flying will be shared by two Flight Attendants. We encourage all those who are interested and able to do so, to participate in this program.

As we continue to stress, our best path forward is the secure the extension of the Payroll Support Program (PSP), for job protection at least through September 2021.  We urge you to participate as we work to step up our efforts towards this collective goal.

Make the calls today, tomorrow and every day.

TAKE ACTION: Call, Write Congress

            SENATE: 888-848-4824
            HOUSE: 888-907-9365

"Hello, I am a constituent calling to ask [Representative] /[Senator] to help save my job as an essential worker. Pass COVID Relief and extend the Payroll Support Program for essential aviation workers through September 2021. Keep us connected to our jobs, our paychecks, and our healthcare. Thank you for your urgent attention to this."          Write Congress to #ExtendPSP >