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COVID-19 Allergy Safety Update

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Apr 23 - COVID-19 protocols continue to change and adapt as we learn more about the virus and how to best combat it. In a recent United Safety Alert dated April 21st, United urged Flight Attendants to be wary of the high risk posed by mild COVID-19 symptoms that can easily be misinterpreted as seasonal allergies. 

COVID-19 protocols continue to change and adapt as we learn more about the virus and how to best combat it. In a recent United Safety Alert dated April 21st, United urged Flight Attendants to be wary of the high risk posed by mild COVID-19 symptoms that can easily be misinterpreted as seasonal allergies. 

As safety professionals and aviation’s first responders we know the importance of not coming to work sick, especially during a pandemic, with which United agrees. We have all worked tirelessly to play our part in keeping the U.S. aviation infrastructure open, while mitigating the spread of COVID-19. To heed United's recent Safety Alert, we encourage members to advise your personal physician of any symptoms, follow the company’s direction and not return to work until being tested, should you experience allergy symptoms listed in the alert.

While many members have received their vaccination, no member who has been exposed to COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, should be required to return to work prior to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) mandatory quarantine guidelines. The suggestion that vaccinated Members are 100% safe from spreading this deadly virus is a dangerous assumption and it is far too early in the vaccination program for anyone to provide those types of assurances.