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Covid-19 Vaccination Card Is a Required Duty Item

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SEP 28 - On Monday, September 27, 2021, the company issued clarification on the requirement for the COVID-19 vaccination cards being a required duty item for all Flight Attendants.  This includes all U.S. based Lineholder and Reserve Flight Attendants, regardless of the destination of your schedule pairing.

On Monday, September 27, 2021, the company issued clarification on the requirement for the COVID-19 vaccination cards being a required duty item for all Flight Attendants.  This includes all U.S. based Lineholder and Reserve Flight Attendants, regardless of the destination of your schedule pairing.

This requirement does not apply to Flight Attendants based in LHR.

In several International destinations, local authorities require that you provide proof and will request to see your original vaccination card.

If you have lost or misplaced your vaccination card and require a replacement, you should contact your vaccine provider for more information.

If you do not have your COVID-19 vaccination card with you as you prepare to operate any pairings to countries requiring proof of vaccination, you must contact crew scheduling to be removed from the trip without pay.

For the most up-to-date information about country-specific entry requirements, go to Flying Together > Our Airline >  COVID-19 (Coronavirus)  > Crew travel restrictions .