
COVID-19 Vaccination Cards No Longer a Required Item

Written by Admin | Aug 4, 2022 5:00:00 AM
AUG 04 - Over the course of the past couple of weeks, a number of safety alerts were released by the company advising Flight Attendants that COVID-19 vaccination cards are no longer a required duty item. 

Over the course of the past couple of weeks, a number of safety alerts were released by the company advising Flight Attendants that COVID-19 vaccination cards are no longer a required duty item.  Some of these communications initially indicated that Reserves would be required to carry the vaccination cards if there were flights from their location to destinations requiring vaccination documentation.

Subsequently, on July 27, a Safety communication was released which provides additional clarification and emphasizes that this change is intended to make it easier for Flight Attendants to stay in compliance with required duty items and to alleviate any stress of being required to carry a physical vaccination card when traveling to destinations not requiring the proof of vaccination.  Keep in mind, each of us has uploaded a copy of the vaccination card into company systems and you may access that image from any computer or from your smart phone.  

AFA concurs with the advocacy in the Safety Alert; that is,  while you may not be required to provide proof of vaccination when traveling to destinations that do not require it, having proof of vaccination with you at all times for any unforeseen circumstances is a good practice and that you are able to access the copy of the vaccination card from the company’s website is yet another way to ensure compliance with this requirement for any destination.

For the most up to date information about country specific requirements:

Flying Together >> Our Airline >>COVID-19 >> Crew Travel Restrictions

You can access the stored image of your COVID-19 Vaccination card from the My Shot/My Story tile accessible as follows:

Flying Together >> Employee Services >> MyInfo/Manager’s Tool Box >> My Shot/My Story tile

Keep in mind, this change in required duty items has no bearing on the company-wide vaccination or mask requirements on board or in airports for individual countries (where applicable).

Additionally, on August 1, the main eFAAB is our primary announcement booklet, and we are no longer required to use the Covid-19 announcement guide. Indications from management is that the company has/will remove the manual from their manual’s app on the Link devices.