
COVID-19 Vaccination POD opens at IAH

Written by Admin | Apr 6, 2021 5:00:00 AM
Apr 6- IAH becomes the newest location to open a Point of Distribution (POD) for COVID-19 vaccinations.

Last Friday, April 2nd, IAH became the newest location to open a Point of Distribution (POD) for COVID-19 vaccinations. IAH is the third on the list following DEN in February and ORD in March. Following the initial guidelines for other locations, eligibility is limited to those who:

  • Live in the state of Texas, and
  • Are based at IAH or HOU, and
  • Are in active or inactive status (being recalled).

This is more good news, and a positive step in the right direction to offer vaccination to our first responders: Flight Attendants.

United emphasizes the fact that the state of Texas is responsible for determining eligibility.