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COVID-19 Vaccination Update

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While the release of the COVID-19 Vaccine is a ray of hope, the slow wheels of the bureaucracy in some states has left many Flight Attendants scrambling for an appointment.

While the release of the COVID-19 Vaccine is a ray of hope, the slow wheels of the bureaucracy in some states has left many Flight Attendants scrambling for an appointment. Most states have moved to vaccine distributions at Tier 1b which includes Flight Attendants. However, many members have voiced difficulty in securing an appointment or run into issues where their state has not yet begun to vaccinate Flight Attendants.

Unfortunately, since our last update on January 26 not much has improved. There is still not a single source providing appointments / scheduling and information is difficult to acquire.

Flight Attendants who live in a state different from that in which they are based, may be able to receive the vaccine in the state where they are based (provided the state has moved on to Tier 1b and is including Flight Attendants in that tier). When looking for an open appointment check both your state of residence and your state where you are based. If you are successful and book an appointment, make sure to bring you crew badge, a valid form of identification (Driver’s License, Passport) and the company provided eligibility letter identifying you as an essential worker.

We will continue to update vaccine information as it becomes available to us.