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CQ Due Month Imbalance

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Jul 9 - The recent return of over 9,000 of our flying partners who successfully completed their qualification training(s) has resulted in a “re-set” of their individual CQ due month creating a significant imbalance in the training liability in certain months that will necessitate shifting some Flight Attendants CQ due months from the February-July period to the September-January period.

In Wednesday’s edition of Inflight Services Weekly, United announced the new CQ 2022 program will launch this August 2021. This is a one-day program that will consist of regulatory and service training requirements.

The recent return of over 9,000 of our flying partners who successfully completed their qualification training(s) has resulted in a “re-set” of their individual CQ due month creating a significant imbalance in the training liability in certain months that will necessitate shifting some Flight Attendants CQ due months from the February-July period to the September-January period.

The affected population of Flight Attendants in this imbalance currently have a February-July due month and will bid for available spots in September 2021 through January 2022, which may cause some Flight Attendants that completed training earlier this year to attend training again this Fall. 

This group of Flight Attendants will be identified by the company in inverse seniority and will be required to participate in the training due month realignment bid.

The CQ due month preference bids will open on July 20, 2021, and close on August 3, 2021, at 1200 CST. The CQ due month bids will be awarded in seniority order, by base. Flight Attendants who do not submit sufficient bids or who fail to bid will be assigned a new CQ due month after all valid bids have been processed. These will be assigned in seniority order, starting with the earliest month (September 2021 and working through available dates into January 2022).

It should be pointed out that during conversations with the company, AFA sought the possibility for more senior Flight Attendants, whose seniority is not subject to having their CQ due month changed, to participate in the due month preference bid voluntarily. The company informed AFA this would require a significant computer programming change that could not be completed within the necessary time from for completion of the realignment and would be unable to open this bid up to those who might wish to volunteer to change due months.

The company will be communicating with those impacted by this change via an e-mail which will be sent to your United e-mail address by July 8, 2021 which will include the specifics and actions you will need to take.

For more information, please contact the Flight Attendant Support Team (FAST) at FLT-LINE (1-800-358-5463) option 4, option 2 or submit a CCS Virtual Chat for additional information and assistance (Open the virtual chat and select “Inflight Admin (FAST)>Training Schedule>CQ Due Month).