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CQ Rebalancing – Bidding Information

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MAR 14 - As we reported last week, CQ rebalancing continues with Flight Attendant hiring. The CQ due month bidding opens today, March 14, 2023 and affects Flight Attendants based at EWR, IAD, ORD, LAX & SFO who are at or junior to a designated seniority level and who have CQ due months in October 2023 & November 2023. In addition to bidding to retain their current CQ due month, affected Flight Attendants will be able to select months earlier in year, specifically May 2023, June 2023, July 2023, August 2023 or September 2023.

As we reported last week, CQ rebalancing continues with Flight Attendant hiring. The CQ due month bidding opens today, March 14, 2023 and affects Flight Attendants based at EWR, IAD, ORD, LAX & SFO who are at or junior to a designated seniority level and who have CQ due months in October 2023 & November 2023. In addition to bidding to retain their current CQ due month, affected Flight Attendants will be able to select months earlier in year, specifically May 2023, June 2023, July 2023, August 2023 or September 2023.

In addition, Flight Attendants based at EWR, IAD, ORD, LAX & SFO who are at or junior to a designated seniority level and who have CQ due months in February 2024, March 2024, April 2024, May 2024 and June 2024 are also affected. In addition to bidding to retain their current CQ due month, these affected Flight Attendants will be able to select months earlier in 2023, specifically May 2023, June 2023, July 2023, August 2023, September 2023, December 2023 and January 2024.

It is important to understand, not everyone having these CQ months is required to bid.  There are two groups of Flight Attendants:

  • Those who must bid for a new due month, and
  • Those who may elect to move from their current due month to another month of their choice.

Those who must bid include those with an Inflight (bid) seniority date or junior to the Rebalance Bid Month Seniority date during the month identified. If this describes you, you are a participant in the Due Month Preference bid and are strongly encouraged to bid to cover yourself. All bids submitted will be awarded in seniority order. Insufficient or no bids will be assigned a new due month in inverse order of seniority after all bidders have been accommodated.

At the same time, we wanted to create an opportunity for those having an Inflight (Bid) seniority date senior to the Rebalance Bid Month Seniority date to elect to move from their current due month to another month of their choice, at their sole discretion. This option was created so that if senior Flight Attendants wished to volunteer to move to other months, other more junior Flight Attendants would have the opportunity to remain in their current month without impact.

Of significance, Flight Attendants identified as required to participate will have the option to Keep My Due Month. To the extent this preference is honored, that is bid and awarded, there will be no change to your individual training due month.

Important dates: 

Bids Open: March 14, 2023

Bid Close: March 23, 2023 at 1200 CST

Bids Posted: April 6, 2023

To submit bids,access the Training Preference Bid under the Bidding tab in CCS.

  • Rank your CQ due month preferences in the order from the most preferred to the least preferred month.
  • If you do not bid enough to cover yourself (e.g., you only place four choices on file and you are too junior to hold any of your choices), you will be considered an insufficient bidder.
  • If you do not submit any bids, you will be considered a non-bidder.
  • Bids will be awarded in base seniority order, as available slots per month are allocated by base.
  • The latest base assignment on record in IR, that is as of 3/9/2023, will be used in order to account for transfers already awarded for a future month.
  • All bids on file for an individual Flight Attendant will be considered before moving on to the next Flight Attendant in seniority order.
  • Non-bidders and insufficient bidders will be ASSIGNED a new CQ due month after all valid bids have been considered. The CQ due month will be assigned in inverse seniority, order, by base, beginning with the earliest month available
  • You may revise your bid throughout the bid window. However, only the last dated/time stamped bid will be considered
  • Once awarded or assigned a new CQ due month, you will not be able to trade your new due month with another Flight Attendant.
  • Note: *If you are on a Leave of Absence during the bidding period you must submit a bid for a new due month during this bid period or you will be assigned a new due month.

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For training scheduling questions contact FAST Non-Operational Scheduling at Flt-Line (1-800-358-5463) Option 1, Option 2 or submit a CHAT for additional information and assistance.