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CQ Rebid Reminder

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Jul 20 - Flight Attendants with a recurrent training date (CQ) that falls within February 2022 – July 2022 or July 2021 will be required to bid for a new “due” month in which to attend CQ. The company is offering the bid months of September 2021- January 2022. Once awarded, Members will see their new due month in their CCS qualifications screen

Due to the significant number of Flight Attendants attending requalification training and returning to flight duty since last February, management has determined there is a need to re-balance future training staffing needs by spreading out the overall training liability.

Flight Attendants with a recurrent training date (CQ) that falls within February 2022 – July 2022 or July 2021 will be required to bid for a new “due” month in which to attend CQ. The company is offering the bid months of September 2021- January 2022. Once awarded, Members will see their new due month in their CCS qualifications screen.

Flight Attendants should check their corporate e-mail account to determine if they are impacted by the realignment process as this will not affect all Flight Attendants who attended training during these months.

Regardless of the current qualification expiration date for these affected Members, it is likely they attend training twice in 2021. Keep in mind, the CQ training program starts a new year in August 2021 so you will be participating the new CQ training agenda and you will then resume the 12-month training rotation.

This group of Flight Attendants will be identified by the company in inverse seniority and will be required to participate in the training due month realignment bid.

If you are impacted, you will have been notified by the company prior to July 8 at your United e-mail address which will include the specifics and actions you will need to take.

*Note: If you are on a Leave of Absence (LOA) during the bidding period, you must submit a bid for a new due month during this bid period.

Bids Open:    Noon CST, Tuesday July 20, 2021

Bids Close:    Noon CST, Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at

Bids Posted: Tuesday, August 10, 2021

CQ due month bids will be awarded in seniority order. We suggest keeping a record of your CQ due month re-bid bid screen.

As a reminder CQ 2022 is a one-day (1) program and consists of regulatory and Customer Service Training.

Questions? Contact Flight Attendant Support Team (FAST) Non-Operational Scheduling at FLT-LINE (1-800-358-5463) Option 4, Option 2 or submit a CCS Virtual Chat for additional information and assistance. Open the virtual chat and select Inflight Admin (FAST) > Training Scheduling > CQ Due Month