
Crew Actions Following COVID-19 Exposure

Written by Admin | Apr 24, 2020 5:00:00 AM
If you learn that you have come in contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus, call your physician and follow their instructions. Do not go to a doctor's office unless advised to do so. 

AFA-CWA International 

If you learn that you have come in contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus, call your physician and follow their instructions. Do not go to a doctor's office unless advised to do so. 

Report to AFA Exposure to COVID-19 

The CDC guidance to passengers who have come in contact with a confirmed COVID- 19 case on their flight, is to self-quarantine, contact health authorities, and monitor health for 14 days. The guidelines provide an exemption for crew. AFA does not agree with this guidance. We advise all Flight Attendants in these situations to follow the passenger CDC guidance and advise the company that you do not feel safe to fly. Self- quarantine for 14 days, contact your local health authorities, and monitor for symptoms. AFA is advising all airlines and contacting the FAA, CDC, and lawmakers to get CDC guidance updated. 

State and Local Health Department Contact Numbers 

If in Guam, call 671-735-7143; after hours and weekends, 888-WARN (9276). 

Interim Health Guidance from FAA and CDC (COVID-19)