
Crew Member Verification and Ensuring FAA Minimums are met before Boarding

Written by Admin | Mar 25, 2022 5:00:00 AM

Recent communications from management instruct Flight Attendants to “get checked in as soon as you see an agent.” And while there is no disagreement that we should be active participants in doing our part to ensure on-time departures and avoid delays, we do not agree with the application of getting “checked in as soon as you see an agent” as communicated recently.

Under the established procedure, prior to boarding a flight, the CSR has the responsibility to verify the identity of the person presenting the badge and to ensure the badge is swiped as a means of ensuring FAA minimums are onboard the aircraft prior to the start of customer boarding. 

After you “check-in” with the agent, you are heading down the jet bridge and boarding the aircraft.  Prior company communications have provided clear guidance, “To verify each is Flight Attendant is allowed to board, each Flight Attendant must present their UA ID badge to the gate representative prior to scanning their badge on the gate reader scanner.”  Further, “Flight Attendants should not scan their badge until they are ready to board the aircraft.”  This accomplishes the priority of ensuring FAA minimum crew is onboard before opening the flight for check-in.

Ensuring FAA minimum crew requirements are on board the aircraft is the shared responsibility of the CSR and Flight Attendants.  By design, there are three required points where the FAA minimum crew is reviewed and/or verified by CSRs and Flight Attendants.  This occurs first during the CSR & Purser/Intl Purser briefing at which time customer boarding time and FAA minimum crew requirements are reviewed.  Secondly, during Crewmember verification.  “Before boarding the aircraft Flight Attendants present their company-issued identification badge to the CSR and scan the badge at the gate reader.  The last and final point is prior to the closure of the aircraft door.  The process is designed to protect all of us and to prevent any inadvertent violations of a FAR and the subsequent need for the corporation to self-disclose the violation to the FAA. It is for this reason we do not deviate from the standard operating procedures.    It is really just this simple:  Show.  Scan.  Board.