
Day of Action Announcement– Fed Up? Show up! on September 27th

Written by Admin | Aug 25, 2022 5:00:00 AM
More specifics and details will follow in the next few weeks, but we’re going to turn up the heat yet again. Fed Up? Show Up!  We will stand together on September 27th, 2022, and show management enough is enough; focus on us! #FedUpShowUp DOA 2022

You have spoken, and our Union has heard you. For too long, Flight Attendants have been subjected to unsustainable working conditions driven by mismanagement at the hands of United management. Our efforts to resolve these challenges have been ignored and rejected, while management offers nothing but deflection. We have come together, speaking with one clear voice: the time for action is NOW!

Collectively we acted and together wrote over 9,000 letters that were delivered to John, all addressing issues that matter to United Flight Attendants. Yet, no actionable solution has been created to resolve all of these issues. Management recently claimed that call hold wait times were going down. Despite those assertions, from many of you we have hundreds of screen shots and over 1,000 reports on unacceptable call hold times that contradict this conclusion. Your reports show a continued trend of unacceptable wait times, some surpassing the four-hour mark.

You continued to take action, completing reports, providing constructive feedback and by participated in our Flight Attendant Promoter Score (FPS) campaign as a way to communicate to management how we feel and to show them where we need to see improvement. Weekly participation generated thousands of survey results, results management may try to ignore, but based on the sheer numbers speak for themselves.

Every day, on every flight, we are ready to work. We show up, we do our personal best which is reflected in the measurements that management captures every day from the passengers in our care. It is not unreasonable for us to expect for management to do the same.

Our voices, the voices of Flight Attendants, have made it clear that we feel unsupported and undervalued by management.

Our Union has come to management to create reliable solutions to the problems they continue to allow to fester. The repercussions of management refusing to fix the problems have shown Flight Attendants how little their quality of life and Contractual rights are respected by management.

Are you fed up? The time has come to show up! On September 27th, we will be participating in a Day of Action. This will be an informational picketing where we, as Members, will unite in solidarity to educate the public on the issues we face and how these issues impact our ability to consistently offer our professional best.

More specifics and details will follow in the next few weeks, but we’re going to turn up the heat yet again. Fed Up? Show Up!  We will stand together on September 27th, 2022, and show management enough is enough; focus on us!

#FedUpShowUp DOA 2022