Tomorrow, December 19th, we will display our solidarity system-wide with our message to management: It’s time to withdraw the concessionary proposals! We will only ratify a Tentative Agreement that includes the quality-of-life and economic improvements United Flight Attendants deserve. We will not tolerate any further delays or distractions. We are ready to secure the industry-leading Contract we have earned.
RSVP and join us tomorrow at a picketing event near you! If you’re scheduled to work or won’t be able to attend a picketing event in person, you are still encouraged to participate in our Day of Action. Show your support on social media and take part in our virtual picket!
Here’s how it works:
Step 1: Download and Print a Picket Sign
- Download your choice of picket sign and print it so you’ll have it with you on the day of the event.
Step 2: Take a Selfie
- Take a selfie with your sign, preferably in uniform! This is an excellent opportunity to involve your whole crew in the activity.
***Important Note***
Don’t take your selfie while on duty or on the aircraft. A great time to take a picture would be in the terminal after deplaning at the end of your trip or upon arrival at your layover hotel.
Step 3: Post Your Picture on Social Media
- While our informational picketing event is happening, post your picture on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! Use hashtags #ReadyToStrike #ContractNow, #PayUsOrChaos, and #WhateverItTakes; tag or mention @AFAUnitedMEC; and set your post to public so others can see your message.
Sample Posts:
- Management needs to get the concessions off the table and negotiate a Contract that United Flight Attendants will ratify! #NoConcessions #ContractNow
- No more delay delay delay when it comes to negotiating a fair contract @united #Delayisnotokay #ContractNow
- It’s time to stop stalling @United. Negotiate a fair contract and work with us to address Flight Attendant Priorities! #ContractNow #PayUsOrChaos
