
Delayed Delivery of Replacement Badges at Bases Across the System

Written by Admin | Jul 30, 2021 5:00:00 AM
Jul 30 - Currently, the bases are receiving badge shipments about 10-15 days from the end of the month in which the badge expires. If you have a badge that expires at the end of the current month and have not received notification from the base to retrieve your badge by the 20th, please contact your base.

United management advised employees today they are experiencing issues related to the issuance of crew badges. Some Flight Attendants whose badges are imminently expiring are not being captured in the company’s employee record system and being identified as requiring a new badge. 


Currently, the bases are receiving badge shipments about 10-15 days from the end of the month in which the badge expires. If you have a badge that expires at the end of the current month and have not received notification from the base to retrieve your badge by the 20th, please contact your base.


Additionally, there may be times when your badge has not yet expired but you are being asked to pick up a new badge. While not typical, this is happening because the badge you are currently holding has been deactivated in the system.  Please pick up your new badge as directed by your base.