
Details about a new voluntary option for flight attendants subject to Involuntary Furlough

Written by Admin | Aug 15, 2020 5:00:00 AM

A Joint Message from John Slater and Ken Diaz, A MEC President Letter,  A Letter of Agreement,  AFA FAQ's, and United's FAQs, 

Joint Message from John Slater and Ken Diaz

MEC Officer Letter

Executed Letter of Agreement

AFA FAQ's(Updated 08/23/2020)

United's FAQ's

Contractual Voluntary Furlough Award as of 8.14.2020 (Login Required)

Furlough Mitigation Partnership Award List(Login Required) (Updated 08/27/2020)

Voluntary Furlough Awards under Letter of Agreement 9.1.2020 (Login Required)

IVFMP Award List(Login Required) (Updated 09/01/2020)

International Purser Surplus Master List (Login Required)

Voluntary Furlough Awards (Login Required)

IVFMP Participants (Login Required)

Involuntary Furlough List (Login Required)

October 2020 Furlough Mitigation Partnership Team Awards

  IVF List by October base an d Seniority