
Drug and Alcohol Testing Pay

Written by Admin | Jan 24, 2023 6:00:00 AM
JAN 24 - We have received a number of questions about the process by which pay for Drug/Alcohol testing is applied to our Pay Registers.  As part of Crew Pay’s normal business process, a computer file is loaded to CCS once a month for all Flight Attendants. Because this process occurs late in the month and payments for all Flight Attendants are processed in a “batch,” there are often questions about what appears to be the missing posting.

We have received a number of questions about the process by which pay for Drug/Alcohol testing is applied to our Pay Registers.  As part of Crew Pay’s normal business process, a computer file is loaded to CCS once a month for all Flight Attendants. Because this process occurs late in the month and payments for all Flight Attendants are processed in a “batch,” there are often questions about what appears to be the missing posting.

Your payment for Drug/Alcohol Testing will typically be posted on or about the 3rd business day of the month for any test done in the prior month (Example: On the 4th of November, your drug/alcohol test pay will appear for any test done in October’s bid month). The posting will appear on your pay register as a single line coded as DOT in your pay register details. This pay will also be visible under your “Additional Pay (Other Rates)” at the top of your CCS pay register under “Total Month’s Pay.” 

If, after the fourth of the following month, you do not see the Drug/Alcohol pay posting, let Crew Pay know via a pay claim in Help Hub.