On January 1, 2019 the dedicated check-in location became the departure gate. Flight Attendants are reminded that their required check-in time for their pairing has not changed.
On January 1, 2019 the dedicated check-in location became the departure gate.
Flight Attendants are reminded that their required check-in time for their pairing has not changed. The change affects only the location at which check-in is to occur. While it was formerly the duty desk, the new location is now the departure gate. We must all be mindful that our full cooperation is necessary for the success of the trial period. It is imperative that Flight Attendants comply by reporting to the departure gate by the required check-in time.

Additionally, Flight Attendants are to be aware that the gate agent has no role or responsibility to ensure the Flights Attendants are compliant with the new check-in process. This new gate check-in procedure designates that the Purser or most senior Flight Attendant (if Purser isn’t there) verifies the entire crew is present at check-in time. If they are not, then the designated Flight Attendant is to notify either the Concierge Desk or the Crew Desk. Gate Agents should not be involved in any part of this change to our check-in process.
More details including a Q&A about our new Check-In Process can be found in Flying Together.