
Emailing your Bid Card

Written by Admin | Jul 13, 2021 5:00:00 AM
Jul 13 - When placing your bid on file it is a good practice to also email yourself a copy of your bids. This gives you an opportunity to review and verify that what you have entered accurately captures what you intended to bid. 
Bidding for our monthly schedule can be a time-consuming process. UBid is the tool designed by management that is intended to reduce the time spent doing so.

Flight Attendants have only this tool to identify those lines in a given monthly bid packet that best meet their individual needs and is the only alternative to sifting through the available schedules which, at some locations, can be hundreds of lines. We encourage you to keep providing feedback on how to make UBid comparable in versatility and function to the applications it replaced.

Whether you utilize the company provided bidding software or prefer a more personalized approach we can all agree on the importance of an accurate bid and award.

When placing your bid on file it is a good practice to also email yourself a copy of your bids. This gives you an opportunity to review and verify that what you have entered accurately captures what you intended to bid.  Further, this provides support identifying the source of any technical or input error resulting in a mis-bid.