
Embrace the Official AFA Red Pin from June 1st Onward!

Written by Admin | Jun 1, 2023 5:00:00 AM
Through the Resolution adopted on May 4, 2023, we reiterate our commitment to achieving the priorities and goals outlined by our Flight Attendants, who stand in solidarity, speak with a unified voice, and demand management's attention, acknowledging that "my Negotiating Committee speaks for me." We urge you to actively participate and pledge to wear our official AFA pin every time you report to work or attend training. This powerful gesture demonstrates our unwavering dedication to one another and emphasizes our unity as we collectively support the ongoing negotiations.

While there are numerous ways to showcase our power and unity as Flight Attendants, wearing the AFA pin is a direct and straightforward method to exhibit our solidarity.

As a cohesive group with shared interests and priorities, our true power lies in presenting a united front. To that end, the United Master Executive Council has authorized the customization of the official AFA pin in the color red, effective June 1, 2023. This change symbolizes our solidarity as members and our unwavering support for negotiating an agreement that acknowledges the indispensable role of Flight Attendants in United Airlines' success.

Over the past 18 months, our Union leadership has recognized management's focus on concessions rather than engaging in discussions on the terms and conditions of the Flight Attendant Contract, which should reflect the standards of a world-class, global airline. The current status quo is insufficient, and our Flight Attendants deserve a Contract that surpasses industry standards.

Through the Resolution adopted on May 4, 2023, we reiterate our commitment to achieving the priorities and goals outlined by our Flight Attendants, who stand in solidarity, speak with a unified voice, and demand management's attention, acknowledging that "my Negotiating Committee speaks for me."

We urge you to actively participate and pledge to wear our official AFA pin every time you report to work or attend training. This powerful gesture demonstrates our unwavering dedication to one another and emphasizes our unity as we collectively support the ongoing negotiations.

If you need a replacement, red AFA pins are available at your Local Council office.