
Employees Affected by Involuntary Furlough to Travel based on Company Seniority

Written by Admin | Oct 17, 2020 5:00:00 AM
In response to the advocacy of the Unions

In response to the advocacy of the Unions, employees and other work groups, after discussion with the Vice President responsible for employee travel as well as multiple Member of Labor Relations (representing the various work groups) yesterday, we are happy to report that a decision was made to change company policy to use the board date for all workgroups on involuntary furlough (or a reduction in force) to the adjusted company seniority date (otherwise known as the date of hire/company seniority date) in place of the length (years) of service.  Effectively, the result of this change is the treatment of these affected employees, for travel purposes, as if they were active employees for the 180 day period of time during which travel privileges have been extended.