
Essential Worker Vaccine Letter

Written by Admin | Jan 26, 2021 6:00:00 AM
Jan 26 - Your crew badge should be sufficient identification to qualify as a 1b flight crew/essential worker.  For those without their badge, United has provided a letter that identifies you as an essential worker.

Essential Worker Vaccine Letter

As many state and city municipalities are moving to tier 1b of the Covid-19 vaccination program, Flight Attendants have become eligible as essential workers in some locations.  You will need to check with your local government for their individual tier assessments, and processes for obtaining a vaccine.  Most locations report chaotic processes and difficult to obtain information, and unfortunately, there is no single source to put everything together.

However, if you do find a vaccination location that you are able to obtain an appointment, your crew badge should be sufficient identification to qualify as a 1b flight crew/essential worker.  For those without their badge, United has provided a letter that identifies you as an essential worker.  The link is available on United’s flying together website.