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Fall 2020 Regular Meeting of the United Master Executive Council via ZOOM™

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As we reported earlier this month, the Members of the United Master Executive Council planned to conduct the first in-person Regular Meeting in Billing, Montana since January of this year.


As we reported earlier this month, the Members of the United Master Executive Council planned to conduct the first in-person Regular Meeting in Billing, Montana since January of this year.  Billings was selected because it was in one of the three United States having the lowest incidences of COVID-19 cases and the options available provided the Union with the ability to manage costs and complete the business of the Union economically.  Over the course of the past several weeks since the meeting announcement was posted, we have continued to monitor the instances of COVID-19 infections to ensure that all of our representatives are able to attend the meeting while, at the same time, ensuring your Union was in full compliance with all state laws as it applies to gathering and social distancing requirements.

Regrettably, the number of COVID-19 cases in Montana have continued to rise over the course of the past several weeks increasing the potential that a large gathering of people would become unlikely, if not impossible.  In consultation with the Members of the United Master Executive Council, a decision has been made to re-schedule the in-person Fall 2020 Regular Meeting of the United Master Executive Council.  In its place, a virtual meeting conducted via Zoom™ will be scheduled for October 20 & 21, 2020.  Additional details will be posted shortly.