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Flight 93 Memorial Shanksville Attendance

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On September 11th we invite Members to attend the Flight 93 Memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania to stand in honor of our Sisters, Brothers and the passengers lost to us on that fateful day.

In the wake of the terrorist attacks that took the lives of so many, including our Sisters and Brothers, twenty years ago, we came together and made a promise to Never Forget. It is a promise we hold in our hearts as aviation’s First Responders, living up to those words every day.

In remembrance of the lives lost on September 11th we invite Members to attend the Flight 93 Memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania to stand in honor of our Sisters, Brothers and the passengers lost to us on that fateful day.

Due to this being the twentieth remembrance, the National Park Service has advised AFA that they are anticipating larger crowds than in years past. Members who are driving on their own should be prepared to arrive early to avoid traffic and delays at security check points. In addition, the National Park Service will not be opening the park to the general public until approximately 10:45 am allowing for a private ceremony for the family members of those who perished that day in 2001.

AFA, alongside ALPA, APA, APFA and the CAUSE foundation, will hold a separate ceremony with the 9/11 Honor Guard once the park opens including the laying of a memorial wreath and flowers. Members in attendance are invited to join us approximately 45 minutes after the park opens to the general public. While attending in uniform is not required, if possible, we ask that Members, retired and active, wear their uniform. Retired uniforms are acceptable in addition to currently issued pieces.

The National Park is large and depending on the parking location a considerable amount of walking can be expected. The National Park Service is requiring those in attendance wear masks to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

There is no right or wrong way to honor our lost Sisters and Brothers. Whether you choose to attend a memorial, fly in their honor, or spend the day in a way meaningful to you we all stand together in their memory.


If you or someone you know struggling with the upcoming 9/11 anniversary, please know AFA EAP is available to offer confidential support. AFA EAP International Help Line: 1-800-424-2406