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Flight Attendant Fatigue Report (FAFR) Tool Now Available

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Apr 30 - The Flight Attendant Fatigue Report (FAFR) Tool is a confidential reporting tool that allows Flight Attendants to proactively identify and report instances of fatigue and ask questions.  It is part of the larger Flight Attendant Risk Management Program (FA-FRMP).

The Flight Attendant Fatigue Report (FAFR) Tool is a confidential reporting tool that allows Flight Attendants to proactively identify and report instances of fatigue and ask questions.  It is part of the larger Flight Attendant Risk Management Program (FA-FRMP), on which we recently reported..

Working in collaboration with management, this program uses a comprehensive approach to manage fatigue to promote the safety of Flight Attendants. Why is this important? Did you know that 20% of all incidents investigated by the NTSB identified fatigue as a probable cause or contributing factor?

Prolonged wakefulness can result in:

  • Impaired Judgement
  • Reduced short and long-term memory
  • Slowed reaction time and reduced vigilance

Getting adequate rest is the first and most critical step to avoiding fatigue.  Taking the appropriate steps to ensure adequate sleep in conditions conducive to rest, that is a dark, cool, and quiet location is critical.  If circumstances beyond your control prevent this rest, especially if while on duty or on layover, you should report them.  Additionally, should you experience fatigue after working certain pairings that mix circadian rhythms, report these in order to improve overall quality of work life and avoidance of fatigue.

Paying attention to how you’re feeling, and of equal importance, reporting circumstances that lead to Flight Attendant fatigue is the focus of this new program.

The program is confidential and designed to address fatigue-related situations and create solutions.  We encourage you to thoroughly read about the program, discuss any concerns or questions you may have with your Local Council, and begin using the reporting tool.