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Flight Attendant Fatigue Risk Management Program

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Apr 16 - In a joint statement today by United AFA President Ken Diaz, and United SVP Inflight Service, John Slater, a Flight Attendant Fatigue Risk Management Program (FA-FRMP) was announced

In a joint statement today by United AFA President Ken Diaz, and United SVP Inflight Service, John Slater, a Flight Attendant Fatigue Risk Management Program (FA-FRMP) was announced.

This enhanced program is a result of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018, which contained the requirement for the FA-FRMP. The inclusion of this requirement was championed by AFA and was a legislative priority for us.  We are proud of the tireless work of our AFA volunteers to achieve this success and applaud the collaboration and commitment of United management to make it a reality.

The FA-FRMP will launch on April 26 and encourages Flight Attendants to proactively identify and report instances of fatigue before they occur. Development of the program is still being finalized but will contain training as part of upcoming CQ curriculum. There will be a Fatigue Review Committee (FRC) group comprised of one committee member from each of the following areas:

  • AFA’s Safety, Health and Security Committee
  • AFA’s Scheduling Committee
  • United’s Inflight Safety
  • United’s Inflight Scheduling teams

Additional details will be coming, and we encourage you to take the time to learn how to use the system and responsibly report issues for the purpose of creating a safer work environment.