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Flight Attendant Obligations when Summoned for Jury Duty

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When summoned for Jury Duty, Section 15.M.1. of our Contractual outlines specific Flight Attendant obligations and establishes how we are paid for this civic duty.

  • A Flight Attendant shall inform their supervisor no later than forty-eight (48) hours after having received such notice of the obligation to Serve.
  • A Flight Attendant who adjusts their schedule after receiving a jury duty notice shall only be entitled to receive flight pay loss (LH), or pay for missed Reserve days, in their original schedule.


In terms of pay:

  •       Lineholder: receives flight pay credit, and all accruals, for any flight time lost due to the requirement to be present for jury duty.
  •       Reserve: receives pay credit at the (Reserve) daily rate and all accruals for each Reserve Day lost due to the requirement to be present for jury duty.
  •       A Flight Attendant shall be available for reassignment on those days originally scheduled for duty which do not conflict with the jury duty assignment.
  •       In addition, after five (5) or more consecutive days of jury duty, or combination of flight duty and jury duty, the Flight Attendant will be guaranteed two (2) additional days off with no loss of pay.


A comprehensive Jury Duty - Flight Attendant Guide in Help Hub details the procedures for notifying the company once we have received a Juror Summons.


It’s important to note that just because you may be summoned for a block of days, you are not necessarily released and paid for those days, depending on the circumstances.


For example, if you are required to call the day prior to your Jury Duty assignment to determine if you may be selected, you should follow the procedures outlined in the Help Hub guide. If you are released and not required to be included in the selection process, you would not receive any trip drops/pay.  Similarly, if you are selected to be in a jury pool but not yet determined to be on a jury, your pairings/Reserve days would be dropped once that information is known; not in anticipation of what may occur.


Additionally, there are several requirements following your Jury Duty to complete to close out the process of which you should make yourself aware. We encourage you to review this publication from the company upon receipt of your Juror Summons and before you submit the Jury Duty Request Form or making any changes to your schedule.


For more information, please contact your Local Council Office.