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Flight Attendants – Aviation’s First Responders

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FEB 16 - While we are the sum of all we contribute while never losing sight of that fact that, at our core, our value is in managing safety and security for every flight on which we work and every interaction we have with the passengers in our care. 

As Flight Attendants, we take pride in our careers. We are more than the smiling faces and the beverages we pour that the traveling public sees. We are trained Safety Professionals, and we must value ourselves for who we are, the variety of circumstances we are trained to encounter, and the contributions we make every day on every flight.

We are the ones who fight fires, comfort passengers in times of grief, de-escalate conflicts, save lives by providing medical care, provide the comforting reassurance for those afraid or in need of additional care while always prepared for what the day may bring.

Recently our professionalism made the news as our Flight Attendant Safety Professionals quickly acted to contain a battery fire. This one situation illustrates how valuable we are in all that we do. Beyond our recognition of the contributions made, the crew’s actions were commended by management serving as a refreshing reminder that we are more than just the uniform we wear, the number of stars at which we are rated or the NPS scores. We are the sum total of all we do, and this includes. the smiles, acknowledgments, and greetings we provide to each person we meet daily.

While we are the sum of all we contribute while never losing sight of that fact that, at our core, our value is in managing safety and security for every flight on which we work and every interaction we have with the passengers in our care.  Recognizing the safety actions of the crew recently acknowledged by management for their swift action is well deserved and our colleagues are to be commended.  Each day there are many more situations that are professionally addressed, well responded to and successfully resolved because of our prevention and intervention. We are Aviation’s First Responders. We are essential as the first and last line of defense in the skies.