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Focus on Us: Action vs. Inaction

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AUG 30 - Last week we announced our Focus on Us: Day of Action, scheduled on Tuesday, September 27, 2022. With this announcement we will be closing out our Flight Attendant Promoter Score (FPS) for now. Our hope had been that channeling your voice through the FPS would both help management recognize the broad depth of Flight Attendant dissatisfaction and offer them an opportunity to improve their relationship with our Members.

Last week we announced our Focus on Us: Day of Action, scheduled on Tuesday, September 27, 2022. With this announcement we will be closing out our Flight Attendant Promoter Score (FPS) for now. Our hope had been that channeling your voice through the FPS would both help management recognize the broad depth of Flight Attendant dissatisfaction and offer them an opportunity to improve their relationship with our Members.

With the FPS numbers continuing to trend so poorly, we believe our point has been made on how Flight Attendants feel. We will calculate this week’s score on Friday as usual, and post the results, but will not be opening a new survey this coming Friday. The results are abysmally clear and the response from management profoundly silent.

The AFA FPS tool is a unique and valuable tool to show management the level of Flight Attendant satisfaction in various areas and where they can improve upon, and we will keep this option open for the future.

The closure of the FPS does not signify that it didn’t work. Quite to the contrary, it illustrated it is necessary for us to move to our next step: the September 27th Day of Action.

We have tried:

  • Multiple meetings between AFA Leadership and management
  • Discussion on Letter of Agreement attempting to achieve non-concessionary solutions
  • Over 9,000 letters from Flight Attendants delivered to SVP John Slater
  • A robust and comprehensive list of non-concessionary solutions (not even one of which has been acted upon)
  • Illustrations of call hold wait times
  • Our Flight Attendant Promoter Score

Honestly, what more could we reasonably do? This is not our problem to solve, and the only conclusion one could reasonably draw from management’s continued inaction is that they simply aren’t interested in providing the support and improvements to our quality of work life we need.

 This summer has been a rampage of labor unrest, delays, cancellations and all sorts of other issues, not just at our airline, but across the industry. Arguably, some of the problems are outside of management’s control. There have been weather and ATC issues, but not to the extent management places undue blame. What must set United Airlines apart is how they handle the issues that are under their control.

We don’t expect management to be perfect, things happen, but we adamantly do expect management to care enough to make changes necessary to the quality of life and responsible support of their Flight Attendants.

We have just a little under one month until our Day of Action. Management still has time to stand up, step up and fix this! Until then, we will move forward and continue our commitment to you that we will escalate our advocacy as far as we need to, to finally get results. Planning continues on the logistics for our Day of Action. Stay tuned for more information from the MEC and your Local Council detailing the specifics for your location.