
Focus on Us: Taking our Next Step

Written by Admin | Aug 22, 2022 5:00:00 AM
AUG 22 - If you haven’t yet had a chance to read our last Debrief, “Reality Check and Solutions,” we encourage you to take a look. As we’ve said many times previously, the actions we are taking are being integrated into a larger, continually escalating campaign to show management they need to Focus on Us for everyone to be successful. There is more to come. We love our jobs! We just don’t like the lack of action by management to resolve the many issues that affect our quality of work life.

If you haven’t yet had a chance to read our last Debrief, “Reality Check and Solutions,” we encourage you to take a look. As we’ve said many times previously, the actions we are taking are being integrated into a larger, continually escalating campaign to show management they need to Focus on Us for everyone to be successful. There is more to come. We love our jobs! We just don’t like the lack of action by management to resolve the many issues that affect our quality of work life.

The United Master Executive Council (MEC) has been regularly meeting throughout the summer in special sessions to share feedback from you and strategize solutions through action. Following the continually poor results of the Flight Attendant Promoter Score (FPS), during the last MEC conference call on Friday, your Local Council Presidents unanimously agreed to the next step we will collectively be taking.

That announcement will be coming in the days ahead; however in the meantime, we’d like to encourage everyone to continue to participate in the FPS. Accurate scores and a clear picture of your level of satisfaction on how management is treating Flight Attendants, their internal customers, is vital to show everyone involved the depth of the problems and the critical need for resolution.

The current August 19 – August 26, 2022, FPS is currently open. Even if you’ve participated in previous weeks, we are asking you to do so again. Encourage your flying partners, and tell people who may not know about it. Along with reporting your call hold wait times and screenshots (send to of your time waiting, make your voices heard!

Remember, the survey is anonymous, and we want your accurate feedback, whatever that may be. Results are posted on Fridays, and this is one of our opportunities to show management where they need to focus to best support Flight Attendants and provide us with the tools we need to be our best at work and deliver a truly exceptional experience for our passengers.