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Focusing on the Needs of our People in Guam

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JUN 6 - In the aftermath of Typhoon Mawar, the resilience and strength of the people of Guam is beyond question, our members are facing immense challenges as they work to recover from the damage caused by the storm and return to daily life. Without power and water, even the most basic tasks of daily life present a struggle. While those of us who are not in Guam can hardly imagine the challenges of daily living, we can support those who are most in need of our assistance at this time. Above all, we want our Members to know they are not alone and that our Union is marshalling our resources to find the best way to be of assistance.

In the aftermath of Typhoon Mawar, the resilience and strength of the people of Guam is beyond question, our members are facing immense challenges as they work to recover from the damage caused by the storm and return to daily life. Without power and water, even the most basic tasks of daily life present a struggle. While those of us who are not in Guam can hardly imagine the challenges of daily living, we can support those who are most in need of our assistance at this time. Above all, we want our Members to know they are not alone and that our Union is marshalling our resources to find the best way to be of assistance.

As our AFA International President has communicated in a recent video message to our GUM Members, we stand with our Union siblings in GUM with a commitment to help and assist in any way that we are collectively able to do so. We stand together and by doing so want our Members in GUM to feel our collective strength. Together, as we have at other times in our history, we will come through this stronger. 

Although the road to recovery may be uncertain, there is hope on the horizon. AFA is here to support our members every step of the way. United’s operations at GUM (Guam) have resumed, and we will continue working with United management to bring essential supplies to the island.

The American Red Cross has set up a dedicated site to help those impacted by the typhoon find shelters and apply for financial aid. We encourage those in need to reach out and utilize these resources. Remember, you are not alone, and there are people ready to lend a helping hand.

For United Airlines employees affected by the storm, United has established the United We Care Employee Relief Fund. This fund offers confidential and timely financial relief to members of the United family in need. Visit or, if you are unable to access the internet, call toll-free 888-286-9404.

For those of us who are away from the affected storm area, we have strength in our numbers. We strongly encourage everyone to consider donating to the AFA Disaster Relief Fund, the resources from which will be used to assist those in need. Please consider a donation to the AFA Disaster Relief Fund where every contribution will provide for the assistance that is so desperately needed.

With heartfelt solidarity, in times like these, it is essential to come together as a community and stand with our flying partners in Guam during this challenging period. In the face of adversity, we have the power to uplift each other and we will. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and rebuild stronger.